Student Rights & Responsibilities
- Access to Student Records
- Administering Medication to Students
- Attendance
- Challenge Student Records
- DASA Coordinators & Forms
- District Code of Conduct
- District Policy Book
- Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities Regulations (Athletic Eligibility)
- Extracurricular Programs
- Health Regulations & Immunizations
- Peer Mediation Program (High School & Reed School)
- Student Handbooks
- Students Rights & Responsibilities
Access to Student Records
The Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA) affords parents certain rights with respect to their minor children’s education records. The School Building Principal shall, upon the request of a parent/guardian or non-custodial parent whose rights are not limited by a court order or formal agreement of a student under the age of eighteen (18), permit the aforementioned to inspect, review or copy any educational record relating to the student’s official education records, files and data, including material that is incorporated into each student’s cumulative record folder and intended for school use, but is not necessarily limited to identifying data, academic work completed, level of achievement (grades, standardized test scores), attendance data, scores on standardized intelligence, aptitude and psychological tests, health data, family background information, teacher or counselor ratings and observations, and verified reports of serious or recurrent behavior patterns to ensure that they are accurate, not misleading or otherwise in violation of the student’s privacy or other rights and is also ensured under the Act. The District will ensure the confidentiality of such records with respect to third parties. Copies may be obtained for a reasonable fee within 45 days by submitting their request in writing to the Building Principal or to Mr. Matthew Matera, at the Alfano School on Wheeler Road.
Administering Medication to Students
Students will not be permitted to take medication (prescription or non-prescription, including Tylenol) while at school unless such medication is given to them by authorized school personnel acting upon specific written authorization from the student’s personal health care prescriber and parent/guardian. A medication administration form is available. Students requesting approval for the self-administration of medications must also obtain a written directive from the student’s personal prescriber, parent’s written authorization, and school nurse assessment that the student is self-directed to carry and self- administer medication properly. NYS law requires a Provider Attestation and Parent/Guardian permission for a student to carry and use medications that require rapid administration to prevent negative health outcomes. For example, allergy and requires Epinephrine Auto-injector, Asthma or respiratory condition and requires Inhaled Respiratory Rescue Medication as well as Diabetes and requires Insulin, Glucagon, Diabetes Supplies. The rule applies to students participating in school- sponsored activities during regular school hours, after-school hours, or vacation periods, either in school or away from school. NYSED “strongly encourage parents to pick up any unused medications.” Any medication not picked up by the end of the school day on the last day of school is disposed of according to NYSED Recommendations.
All students are expected to attend class daily and to be on time. Attendance in class helps to ensure that there is continuity in instruction time in your child’s educational program. In addition, the funding formulas for State Aid are based on student attendance. All absences, excused or illegal, cause a loss of State Aid to the School District.
The State Education Department law designates absences from school for the following reasons only: sickness of the child; sickness or death in the family; religious observance; or required presence in court.
Parents are required to notify the school when children will be absent or tardy, and to provide a written excuse signed by the parent or guardian. All children being picked up during school hours must be picked up and signed out in the nurse’s or main office. Do not enter, or park your car in the bus area while buses are picking up or discharging students. Do not park in the no parking zones. It is against the law to pass a school bus with its red lights flashing. No child should be left at a school for any function until parents are certain that there is an administrator or chaperone present.
If you change your address or phone number, please be sure to notify your child’s school of the new information and present proof of new residency to Central Registration located at One Broadway, side entrance Mulligan Elementary School. Should you have a question as to what you will need to bring, please call 631-348-4196.
Challenge Student Records
Under the law, parents/legal guardians of a student under the age of eighteen (18), or a student eighteen (18) years or older, “shall have the opportunity for a hearing to challenge the content of school records, to ensure that the records are not inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of the students, and to provide an opportunity for correction and deletion of any such inaccurate, misleading or otherwise inappropriate data contained there.”
DASA Coordinators & Forms
District Code of Conduct
District Policy Book
Complete Policy Book - English
Complete Policy Book - Spanish
Complete Policy Book - Haitian Creole
There are also Individual Policies which are downloadable & printable versions of the Board Policies (for those who need to reference a printed version) are available in English as PDFs and may be translated into any language through Google Document Translator.
Eligibility for Extracurricular Activities Regulations (Athletic Eligibility)
Extracurricular Programs
The Central Islip UFSD ensures that all students attending schools in the district in grades K-12 have the opportunity to participate in school district programs, including extracurricular programs and activities to the maximum extent appropriate based on the needs of the student. Please speak to your building principal or the Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum and Instruction for additional information.
Health Regulations & Immunizations
School Immunization Requirements are as follows:
- DTaP (Grades PK: 4 doses, K-5: 3-5 doses, 6-12: 3 doses),
- Polio (Grades PK: 3 doses, K -12: 3-4 doses),
- Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR-Grades PK: 1 dose, K-12: 2 doses),
- Hepatitis B (PK: 3 doses, K-12: 3 doses or 2 doses of Adult Hepatitis B (Recombivax) at least 4 months apart between 11 through 15 years old)
- Varicella (Chicken Pox, Grades PK: 1 dose, K-12: 2 doses)
- Tdap (Grades 6-12: 1 dose. Minimum age for grades 6 through 9 is 10 years and for grades 10 through 12 is 7 years.)
- Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine (MenACWY-Grades 7-11: 1 dose, 12th: 2 doses or 1 dose if the dose was received at 16 years or older. The minimum age for grades 7 through 10 is 10 years, and for grades 11 and 12 is 6 weeks.
Students enrolling in gradeless classes should meet the immunization requirements of the grades for which they are age equivalent. The Nurse will review the Immunization Record to ensure the record is according to the New York State Department of Health’s PHL 2164. Proof of immunizations can be from NYSIIS, CIR, or a provider’s office where a licensed health practitioner signs the immunization record.
Annual physical examinations and dental screenings are recommended. The New York State School Health Examination Form is available to parents online and early in the school year for doctors to complete and return to school within thirty (30) days of the beginning of school.
NYSED law requires that each student’s health certificate/ health appraisal or physical exam from the student’s healthcare provider include the Body Mass Index (BMI) and Weight Status Category (WSC). During the year that the Department of Health selects the district to participate in the Weight Status Category Survey, parents may opt out of having their child’s status group information included. Please print the form from the district’s website, sign your name, and return the form to the School Nurse in your child’s building. Physical/Health Exams are required for all new entrants into the school district, Pre-K or K, first, third, fifth, seventh, ninth, and eleventh-grade students. NYSED requests a Dental Certificate at the same time the Health Appraisal is required; the form is available online. In addition, all Special Education students must have a physical examination. If your family doctor does not examine your child, he/she will be examined by one of the school physicians.
Parents are asked to notify the school if a child has been exposed to any communicable disease or has head lice. Any child who has been ill with an infectious disease or contagious condition (e.g., skin or eye) must have a doctor’s certificate upon returning to school. Please do not send your child to school with the above or a contagious illness such as chicken pox, strep throat, etc. Students must be free of vomiting, rash, illness, or fever without using fever-reducing medicine for 24 hours before returning to school.
Everyday actions are taken to prevent the spread of infectious diseases. Remember to keep your child(ren) home when they do not feel well, and please contact your Medical Provider. Some examples of not feeling well include a temperature of 100 degrees or greater, cough, shortness of breath, fatigue, muscle aches, headache, new loss of taste or smell, sore throat, congestion or runny nose, nausea, or diarrhea. Also, please keep your child home if they have taken fever-reducing medicine within the last 24 hours and while awaiting test results. This list does not include all possible symptoms of feeling ill. Please notify the school nurse of your child's illness. If your child feels sick during school with COVID-like symptoms, your child must be picked up by a parent/guardian. A student who becomes ill during the school day cannot take a bus home. Note: This is subject to change depending upon guidelines from the New State Education Department, Department of Health, and/or Centers for Disease Control. Thank you for your assistance as we continue to return to a new normal. Covid- 19 surveillance by the CDC continues after the Public Health Emergency ended May 11, 2023.
Students who have been injured or have a cast, wheelchair or walker, stitches/staples must have a doctor’s note when they return to school. Upon or before return to school, a doctor’s note is also required for a fracture or broken bone, crutches, or if seen in a Hospital Emergency Department. If the student uses crutches, the note must state that he/she can use them in school and that a medical bus is needed while on crutches and/ or the leg is casted.
Since, under New York State (NYS) Law, no care beyond first aid can be given at school, it is the parent’s responsibility to provide the school with phone numbers, including unlisted numbers, where they or responsible neighbors or relatives can be reached in an emergency. Parents/guardians will be notified to pick up their child/ren if ill, has a fever, or has lice.
Hearing and Vision screening (Distance Acuity, Near Vision, Color Perception) is required for new entrants or Pre-K or Kindergarten within six months of admission to school. Thereafter, Distance Acuity, Near Vision, and Hearing Screenings are required in grades 1, 3, 5, 7, and 11. Scoliosis screening is completed in grades 5 and 7 for girls and grade 9 for boys. Screenings are conducted in school when written documentation of screenings by the HealthCare Provider is missing from the Health Certificate/Appraisal/Physical. Note: Parents are notified of passing and failing Vision Results. For all other screenings, Parents are only notified if the screenings are not passed; referrals are sent home. The form, completed by the healthcare provider, should be returned to the school nurse as soon as possible (i.e., within 30) days.
EMERGENCIES - Parents are requested to keep the school advised where they may be located in case of serious emergency. The following procedure is followed:
If an accident or illness occurs, First Aid will be given and the parents are notified. First Aid is defined as the immediate, temporary care in an emergency. No care beyond First Aid is given at school. If medical attention is needed and a parent cannot be reached, the family doctor is called. If he/she is not available, a school doctor is called. In the event that neither of them is available, another doctor or local hospital will be contacted. Schools will request an alternative person to call in the event that the parent cannot be reached. Parents are requested to provide this information to your child's school.
Peer Mediation Program (High School & Reed School)
This service is designed to allow students to live in peace by solving their own problems with the help of an impartial mediator. A mediator is the “person in the middle”, the neutral, third person in the mediation session who tries to get both parties to talk about finding solutions to their problems. Problems solved through mediation can include:
- Verbal/physical disputes;
- Harassment;
- Rumors/gossiping;
- Boyfriend/girlfriend disagreements;
- Poor sportsmanship;
- Name-calling
Students may be referred to this program by fellow students, parents and faculty. Contact the Central Islip High School (631- 348-5079), Reed Middle School (631-348-5066), and ask for the Peer Mediation Program.
Student Handbooks
Students Rights & Responsibilities
The district is committed to safeguarding the rights given to all students under state and federal law. In addition, to promote a safe, healthy, orderly and civil school environment, all district students have the right to:
- Take part in all district activities on an equal basis regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, religion, gender, sexual orientation or disability.
- Present their version of the relevant events to school personnel authorized to impose a disciplinary penalty in connection with the imposition of the penalty.
- Access school rules and, when necessary, receive an explanation of those rules from school personnel.
All district students have the responsibility to:
- Contribute to maintaining a safe and orderly school appointment that is conducive to learning and to show respect to other persons and to property.
- Be familiar with and abide by all district policies, rules and regulations dealing with student conduct.
- Attend school every day unless they are legally excused, and be in class on time, and prepared to learn.
- Work to the best of their ability in all academic and extracurricular pursuits and strive toward their highest level of achievement possible.
- React to direction given by teachers, administrators and other school personnel in a respectful, positive manner.
- Work to develop strategies to positively express emotion.
- Ask questions when they do not understand.
- Seek help in solving problems that might lead to discipline.
- Dress appropriately for school, and school functions.
- Accept responsibility for their actions.
- Conduct themselves as representatives of the district when participating in or attending school sponsored extracurricular events and to hold themselves to the highest standards