Navigating Central Islip
- District Map
- Mission Statement
- Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
- Parent Teacher Association (PTA) President's
- Parent Teacher Association Council
- Registration for School Board Elections
- School Closings
- School District Census
- Sex Offender Notifications
- Special Education Services for Parentally Placed Studens in Parochial/Private Schools
- Transportation
- Voting & Absentee Ballots
District Map
Mission Statement
The mission of the Central Islip Public Schools is to enable all its students to fulfill their potential and become responsible, contributing adults able to thrive in a culturally diverse, changing world. In partnership with the entire community, we will provide a quality educational experience that offers equitable learning opportunities in a safe environment. We will link home, school and community to ensure a positive, supportive education that fosters student excellence and success.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA)
PTA: Everyone Benefits! More than thirty years of research shows that children do better when their parents and families are involved both at home and at school. Grades are higher. Test scores rise. Self esteem grows. Schools improve. You can make these outcomes a reality for your child, your school and your community by being involved in PTA. Everyone benefits from your involvement in PTA. Here are seven reasons to join.
- Be in the know. PTA helps you keep up with what’s happening at your school. And you’ll find out what you can do to make a difference for your child and to make your school an even better place.
- Access great resources. When you are a part of PTA, you have access to resources on topics ranging from childhood obesity to bullying to talking with your child about drugs and alcohol. PTA is a great resource not only for your school and community, but also for you as you navigate the parenting process.
- Make connections. Whether you attend PTA Meetings and events or just link in via e-mails and newsletters, through PTA you’ll connect with others who share your concern for children and their education. PTA is a way to meet others and build relationships.
- Hone your skills. In PTA you’ll have the opportunity to use what you know, try new things, and develop your skills.
- Speak up. PTA is a forum for exchanging ideas. Your membership can be a means to effectively suggest changes at your child’s school and to be involved in making them happen. Through PTA you can be a more effective advocate for your child and all children.
- Be part of the solution. PTA has been a driving force in establishing school lunch programs, after school programs, community wide safety initiatives, TV and internet standards, and more. You can play a part in improving the world for your child.
- Be a role model for your child. Through your involvement in PTA, not only will you help your child and all children receive a better education but you’ll show your child how much you value education. You also will teach your child about giving back to the community.
Everyone….parents, educators, students and community members…. Is invited to join PTA. For more information on becoming a local or national member of PTA, visit, call (800) 307-4PTA-(4782), or contact the PTA in your building.
Parent Teacher Association (PTA) President's
PTA Council
Christine Wesnofske
Central Islip High School PTSA
Kim DaSilva
Reed Middle School PTA
Sue Hamel
631-348-5066 ext. 3566
Mulligan Elementary School PTA
Kaitlyn Geldmacher
Alfano Elementary School
Josette Crean
Cordello Avenue Elementary School PTA
Britnae Tillet
Morrow Elementary School PTA
Shakuwra Malcolm
Mulvey Elementary School PTA
Christine Wesnofske
O’Neill Elementary School PTA
Allison Philips-DeStefano
631-348-5060 ext. 5839
Special Education (SEPTA)
Kelly Farley
Parent Teacher Association Council
2022-2023 Central Islip PTA Council Executive Board Officers
Christine Wesnofske
1st Vice President
Arlene Philips
2nd Vice President
Maureen Esposito
Kim DaSilva
Recording Secretary
Stacie Crane
Corresponding Secretary
Regina Renaldo
All funds raised for the Student Awards are generated by PTA Council Fundraisers.
Remember, you need to join the PTA in your child's school in order to attend PTA Council and share your voice. Membership dues are used to support school-based activities for the students and help keep Unit PTA's running and working for the children. All PTA Council dates are listed on the school district calendar.
Registration for School Board Elections
Voters may come to the administration building during the school year to register with the School District Clerk. In order to register, you must be eighteen years of age or older, a citizen of the United States, and you must be a Central Islip resident for at least thirty days, and be able to provide proof of residency.
School Closings
SCHOOL CLOSINGS, NOT WEATHER RELATED - Conditions such as loss of heat or electrical power, or interruption of water supply, may necessitate the closing of individual school buildings on an emergency basis. It is imperative that parents/ guardians develop adequate plans with their children in the event of such a closing. If schools close during the regular school day, all parents/guardians will be notified via our emergency contact system. Please be sure to sign up for our text alert system to receive any school closing alerts.
SCHOOL CLOSINGS, WEATHER RELATED - The Superintendent of Schools is responsible for the final decision. All parents/guardians and school district staff will be notified through our emergency contact system. You can also check our district website at for information. Even if weather conditions worsen, we cannot reverse our decision without endangering the students. Many parents rely on our decision and will have already left for work. If conditions worsen during the school day, we may need to have an early dismissal, but we will give adequate notice to all parents first. If you do not feel it is safe for your child to attend school, use your best judgment on whether he/she should attend. Please discourage teenagers from driving in bad conditions and offer them alternatives. When schools are closed due to inclement weather, all after school activities and evening programs will be cancelled. Do not call the schools. Please be sure to sign up for our text alert system to receive any school closing alerts.
School District Census
The State Education Law requires that the School District conduct “child find” activities each year to identify students from birth to age eighteen (18), who may require special services. The district uses its census to help accomplish this task. In addition, the District uses the census to determine the total student population of the district. A census will be conducted every two years. Residents are urged to comply with the directions for the completion of census forms and to answer all questions as accurately as possible.
Sex Offender Notifications
Special Education Services for Parentally Placed Studens in Parochial/Private Schools
All parents who have chosen to enroll their child in a private or parochial school must notify the school district by June 1st if they wish their child to receive services through the Committee on Special Education.
Please visit the Special Education Department's Website for more information, resources and contacts.
The Board of Education has been authorized to provide transportation for students to and from the school they legally attend. Transportation eligibility distances are as follows: Students in Grades K-6 who legally attend Alfano, Cordello, Morrow, Mulligan, Mulvey and O'Neill elementary schools and who live a half mile or more from their school are eligible for school bus transportation. Students in grades 7-8 who legally attend Reed Middle School and who live one mile or more from their school are eligible for school bus transportation. Students in grades 9-12 who legally attend Central Islip High School and who live 1.5 miles or more from their school are eligible for school bus transportation. Pre-kindergarten students are eligible for school bus transportation in accordance with corresponding grant programs to which they are enrolled. In the interest of safety, Suffolk Transportation Service, Inc. has assured the Board of Education that all school buses will be equipped with seat belts.
Every year, resident pupils who attend private and/or parochial schools are also entitled to bus transportation if the school they attend is not greater than fifteen miles. This has been set by State statute and by a referendum by district residents. All applications for attending private and/or parochial schools must be requested by April 1st of the preceding year for which it is required. Clearance will not be given to your child if he or she is not registered with the Central Islip School District.
Transportation Notice to Parents/Guardians - New transportation protocol has been put in place beginning September 2015. Students who are returned to the District by their bus drivers because an adult was not at their bus stop will no longer be returned to their school. All students being returned will be taken to Cordello Avenue Elementary School and placed under the watch of Youth Enrichment Services, (YES), who will impose a $10.00 late fee upon pick-up. Please bring your photo identification and your $10.00 late fee when picking up your child. The Cordello Avenue Elementary School is located at 51 Cordello Avenue in Central Islip. Please call Cordello Elementary School: 631-348-4189 with related questions.
Voting & Absentee Ballots
VOTING - Each year, residents are asked to vote on the annual school budget and to elect school board members on the third Tuesday in May. You must be a citizen of the United States, eighteen years of age or older, and must have been a district resident of the Central Islip School District for a period of thirty (30) days or more, prior to the vote. Eligible voters include those who are registered with the Suffolk County Board of Elections. Direct any questions regarding voting eligibility to the District Clerk at 631-348-5200.
ABSENTEE BALLOTS - Absentee ballots may be used by eligible voters for voting on the budget and School Board candidates. Applications for absentee ballots are available in the office of the District Clerk. To obtain an absentee ballot, an individual should complete the written application form and submit it to the District Clerk at least one day before the vote if the ballot is personally delivered by the voter. This application must be received by the District Clerk at least seven (7) days before the election if the ballot is to be mailed to the voter. Persons designated by the Suffolk County Board of Elections as “permanently disabled” need not make an application, since they will automatically receive an absentee ballot by mail. For further information, please contact the District Clerk at 631-348-5200.