STAR 360 Assessments
What is the Renaissance STAR360:
Star 360 is comprised of Renaissance Star Reading, Renaissance Star Math, Renaissance Star Early Literacy, and Renaissance Star Custom. This system of assessments informs data-based decisions and supports instructional frameworks such as Response to Intervention (RtI) and Multi-Tier System of Supports (MTSS). Moreover, Renaissance Star Assessments are accurate, reliable, and valid.
How the Test Works:
Star Assessments (Star Reading, Star Math, and Star Early Literacy) are online computer adaptive tests (CATs). Instead of grade-level test forms, Star tests tailor items to a student’s responses to quickly zero in on the student’s achievement level and arrive at a reliable score.
When Is the Test Given?
STAR360 assessments are administered several times during the year to track your progress. Please check CALENDAR for specific testing windows. Reading and Math assessment has 34 questions and will take about 20-30 minutes. Early Literacy test has 27 questions and should take about 20-30 minutes.
What is on the Test:
While each STAR test is individualized and unique, blueprints ensure that a certain number of items from the domains below are presented to each student.
How is the test scored?
There are the key scores that the program uses - Scaled Score (SS), Percentile Rank (PR) and Student Growth Percentile (SGP)
Scaled Score: Is based on the difficulty of items and the number of correct responses. It is useful for comparing performance across grades. All norm-referenced scores are derived from the scaled score. Scaled scores range from 0–1400 in Star Reading and Star Math and from 300–900 in Star Early Literacy
Percentile Rank: Indicates the percentage of students nationally who obtained a scaled score equal to or lower than the score of a particular student. PRs are norm-referenced scores and range from 1–99. A student with a PR of 75 performed as well as or better than 75% of same-grade students nationwide
Student Growth Percentile: Compares a student’s growth from one period to the next with that of his or her academic peers nationwide—same-grade students with a similar scaled score history. SGPs range from 1–99: lower numbers show lower relative growth; higher numbers indicate higher relative growth. A student with an SGP of 35 grew more quickly than 35% of academic peers.
These datapoints help support data inquiry and provide a wealth of actionable data. Information from STAR Assessments help the district to focus instruction, identify students who may need intervention, define expectations for student engagement and growth and inform curriculum
How are results reported?
The district uses the data to answer key questions. Within the program there are dashboards that provide overviews of student performance on the district, school and individual student level. There are also a variety of reports within the dashboards to pinpoint student performance at each step in the testing progression. There are also reports that may be provided to parents throughout the school year after each testing window to enhance the school to family connection.