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Parent University Event - January 15



NYS Math Test

Who takes this test?
Students in grades 3–8 take the State Mathematics test each spring. 

English Language Learners are required to take the State math tests but may take a test translated into Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (traditional & simplified), Haitian Creole, Korean, Russian, or Spanish. When tests are not available in the student's native language, the test may be translated orally. Students with disabilities may take the NY State Alternate Assessments in place of the general State test, if specified on their Individualized Education Plan (IEP).

When is this test given?
Typically the NYS Math Assessments take place in May. Please visit our Testing & Assessment Calendar Page for specific testing dates or your can visit the New York State Education's Department testing schedule page.  Please speak to your child's teacher if you have any questions or concerns with the testing schedule. 

What is on the test?
The math test is an untimed test that contains several different types of questions. Students answer multiple choice and open-ended questions. New York state has transitioned from testing on paper to testing on a computer. For school year 2023-24 (and onward), grades 5 and 8 will be required to test on their Central Islip district supplied Chromebook.

How is the test scored?
The NY State Grades 3-8 exams are scored by licensed and trained Central Islip teachers. The exams are scored through a distributed scoring process, meaning no student’s exam is scored by a teacher from the student’s school. This scoring complies with NY State Education Department and Central Islip policies regarding scoring of State exams. 

How are the results reported?
The number of correct answers a student gives on a test is converted into the student’s “scale score.” Scale scores are divided into four performance levels. You can access the results through the parent portal. If you need support accessing the portal or would like to create an account, you can check out the parent portal support page or contact your child’s school.