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Remind Support

The PowerSchool to Remind Sync occurs nightly.  Any changes to PowerSchool (Students/Parent, Contact Info, Classes, Rostering, etc.) could take up to 48 hours to correctly populate and update in Remind. Please keep this in mind when looking into support options.

As you learn to navigate and use remind please use the information below as a guide for self-service training and support.  If you have any additional support needs please reach out to the Remind Support team

It is highly recommended and strongly advised that you turn off "replies" on your messages if you do not want parents/students texting you back through Remind.  Instructions for turning off replies

You do have the option to block/restrict anyone from contacting you via Remind in the event of inappropriate or non-school related replies or messages.  Instructions for blocking individuals

  1. Training Resources:
  2. Logging into Remind:
    • First Time: Use a computer and log in through the District’s MyApps Portal ( Follow the prompts to merge any previous accounts.
    • After First Time: After setting up your account on a computer, you can use the smartphone app. 
  3. When I log in I see my District Account and my Personal account for my child's school:  This is NO PROBLEM.  The district can only see your district account.  We have no ability or desire to see classes you may have joined as a parent/guardian.  Remind makes this easy for your by listing all of your classes (District Owned and Personally Joined) in one dashboard.  Rest assured that we (the district nor technology team) have any access to any messages or accounts not related to the Central Islip School District. 
  4. Do I need to provide my personal Cell Phone Number?  If you are going to use the Smartphone App and/or want to receive messages to your personal cell phone - YES you must provide the cell phone number of the smartphone from which you will use the App. No parent or student will ever see your personal cell phone number for any messages send through Remind. 
  5. Missing/Inaccurate Classes or Students (or contact information): 
    • CHECK POWERSCHOOL FIRST! Remind receives the information from PowerSchool.  Classes, students, rostering and class codes are all generated from PowerSchool.  If the information is not accurate or properly displaying in PowerSchool that must be updated and fixed in order for Remind to work. 
    • Check your Remind Account to ensure your full district email address is listed and confirmed under your account info. Instructions.
    • If PowerSchool is Incorrect - The issues must be updated in PowerSchool. Remind receives all information from PowerSchool. 
    • If PowerSchool is Correct and you do not see your classes please check the "Archived Classes". We have seen that the sync from PowerSchool to Remind may have inadvertently created and archived your classes.  This is not uncommon and very easily fixed. Instructions to view and unarchive a class.
    • If PowerSchool is Correct and the students and/or classes were recently updated/added/removed please give the system 48 hours to fully sync and populate. 
    • If PowerSchool is Correct and the issue is not in Archived Classes and beyond the 48 hour sync window or if the issues persists please reach out to Remind Support to initiate a help ticket with Remind. 
  6. The Central Islip Technology team cannot change how PowerSchool Syncs to Remind.  The information on rostering comes directly from PowerSchool.  If there is an issue with your Rostering or Classes please reach out to support@remind.comWe cannot change any classes, class codes, rosters, or other information that syncs with PowerSchool.  These are system created. 
  8. Remind Trainers: Contact for training assistance.