Planning for Kindergarten and up
This page is for parents of Special Education students. Here you will find relevant information regarding elementary support planning with the office of people with developmental disabilities (OPWDD)
Transition services for students in special education are specifically designed to assist students with disabilities in transitioning from the school system into the adult world; whether it be to continue education or find employment. Transition planning and services are required by Federal and State law regulation. It is a process which requires planning for your teen's future. Services begin at age 14 and are reviewed annually. The outcomes identified in the annual transition planning process become the framework for the goals and activities in your child's Individualized Education Plan (IEP).
For more information about transition planning, contact your building social worker:
- Alfano Elementary School Social Workers
- Cordello Elementary School Social Workers
- Morrow Elementary School Social Workers
- Mulligan Elementary School Social Workers
- Mulvey Elementary School Social Workers
- O'Neill Elementary School Social Workers
New York State Education Department Transition Planning FAQ
- Transition Planning Timeline & Checklist
- What is Transition Planning?
- When must transition planning begin?
- What are measurable postsecondary goals?
- What is the coordinated set of activities?
- What information is needed to determine transition services?
- What are age-appropriate transition assessments?
- What is the role of the student in the transition planning process?
- What is the definition of a participating agency?
- Where should transition services be documented in the IEP?
- What are the key elements of successful transition plans and services?
- What is a Student Exit Summary?
- Where can I find more information on transition planning?