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High School Graduation Letter
Morrow Before & After School Programs Grades K - 8




The information contained on this page is intended to assist Central Islip families who have made the decision to homeschool. Please direct any questions about homeschooling to Mrs. Jessica Iafrate, Assistant Superintendent for Curriculum & Instruction at 631-348-5002 ext. 1001 or

Homeschool Required Documentation and Timeline

  • Annually provide written notice to the Superintendent of Schools of their school district of residence of their intent to educate their child at home by July 1st of each school year (C.R. 100.10 (b) 1)
  • Parents who commence home instruction after the start of the school year, or establish residence in the school district after the start of the school year, shall provide written notice within 14 days following the commencement of home instruction within the school district (C.R. 100.10 (b)2).

Procedures for the development and review of an Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP)

  • Within 10 business days of the receipt of the notice of intent for home instruction, the school district will send the parents a copy of 100.10 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education and an IHIP form.
  • Parents must submit a completed IHIP form to the school district within 4 weeks of receipt of the IHIP or by August 15, whichever is later.
  • The school district will notify the parents that the IHIP is in compliance or written notice of any deficiency in the IHIP within 10 business days of receipt of the IHIP.
  • If notified of a deficiency within the IHIP, parents have 15 days, or by September 15th whichever is later, to submit a revised IHIP that corrects the deficiencies. (Continued procedures for compliance and deficiency can be found under  C.R.100.10)


Notice of Intention to Instruct at Home provided to Central Islip School District:

  • The school district shall send to the parents a copy of this section 100.10 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education and a form on which to submit an Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP) for each child of compulsory attendance age who is to be taught at home.
  • The parent shall submit the completed IHIP form to the school district.  The district shall provide assistance in preparation of the forms, if requested by the parents.
  • Within 10 business days of receipt of the IHIP or by August 31st of the current school year, the school district shall either notify the parents that the IHIP complies with the requirements of subdivisions (d) and (e) of the regulations or shall give the parents written notice of any deficiency in the IHIP.
  • Within 15 days of receipt of a notice of a deficiency in the IHIP, or by September 15th, the parents shall submit a revised IHIP, which corrects any such deficiencies.
  • The Superintendent of Schools, or Designee, shall review the revised Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP) and shall notify the parents as to whether the revised IHIP complies with subdivisions (d) and (e) of this section within 15 days of receipt of the revised IHIP or by September 30th. 
  • Content of Individualized Home Instruction Plan (IHIP).   Each child’s IHIP shall contain:  The child’s name, age, and grade level; a list of the syllabi, curriculum materials, textbooks or plan of instruction to be used; dates for submission of quarterly reports; names of individuals providing instruction; a statement that the child will be meeting the educational requirements set by law.
  • Student fulfilled the required courses
  • Student fulfilled attendance requirements
  • Family submitted Quarterly Reports.  On or before the dates specified by the parent in the IHIP, the parent to the school district shall furnish a quarterly report for each child.
  • Parent filed Annual assessment.  At the time of filing the fourth quarterly report as specified in the IHIP, the parent shall also file an annual assessment in accordance with this subdivision.  Please contact the Office of Testing and Assessments for further information (631-348-4351