NYSITELL Information
NYSITELL Parent Information Brochure
The NYSITELL serves as a formal assessment to identify and determine the child’s English proficiency level.
Who takes this test? New students who speak languages other than English at home take the New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners (NYSITELL). The NYSITELL tests students’ English language skills and determines if they are an English language learner and entitled to supports and services to learn English.
When is this test given? Students take the New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners within their first ten days of school in NY State.
What is on the test? The New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners includes multiple choice, short written response, long written response, and oral response questions in listening, speaking, reading, and writing.
How is the test scored? The New York State Identification Test for English Language Learners is administered and scored by a qualified NY State educator.
How are the results reported? The school in which your child is enrolled will mail a parent notification letter that will indicate the score and any additional actions that you need to take. If your child is identified as an English Language Learner, you will be asked to attend an orientation session at which you will learn about English Language Learners programs and services that are available for your child.
How are the results used? Educators use the results of the test to determine if your child is an English Language Learner. Your child’s score on the NYSITELL (Entering, Emerging, Transitioning, Expanding, or Commanding) will determine if he or she is entitled to receive English Language Learner (ELL) services and will determine the level of English language support.