Board of Education
The Central Islip Board of Education consists of seven members who are residents of the district and who have been elected by the qualified voters. They serve without pay for a term of office of three years.
The general philosophy of the Central Islip Board of Education is explained within the contents of the school district’s Mission Statement. The Board delegates the day-to-day administration of the schools to the Superintendent of Schools, who works with building principals and other district personnel to carry out the policies and procedures established by the Board of Education.
Residents are invited to attend Board of Education Meetings as listed in the calendar. All regular meetings of the Board of Education are scheduled for the second Monday of each month, with the exception of holidays; in which case the meeting will be held the next Tuesday. While there is no public participation during the Board's deliberations, the Community may comment on items pertinent to the agenda by submitting comment cards prior to the start of the meeting. Cards are provided for residents' use and should be presented to the District Clerk prior to the meeting. No cards will be accepted after the start of the meeting. This time is allotted for you to state your concerns. This 'Public Comment' privilege offered by the Board of Education is not a question and answer period. If you ask a question, the response will be researched and given through contact information. All comments are limited to three minutes per speaker.
Notification of regular Board meetings and workshops, including times and places, are listed in the School District Calendar and are posted at all district buildings, district website and the Central Islip Public Library. Minutes of meetings can be obtained from the District Clerk for a nominal fee.
Upcoming Meetings
Alfano Elementary School - 50 Wheeler Rd. Central Islip, NY 11722
Alfano Elementary School - 50 Wheeler Rd. Central Islip, NY 11722
Alfano Elementary School - 50 Wheeler Rd. Central Islip, NY 11722
No post to display.
Board of Education Resources
Board of Education District Policies
Complaint Procedures
District Branding and Logos
Facility Use Rules
Meet Our Board
Meeting AgendasMeeting Agendas
Meeting Calendar
Mission Statement